Category: Technology

  • 5 Ways to Improve Your Next Sales Outreach Campaign

    5 Ways to Improve Your Next Sales Outreach Campaign

    One of the best ways to improve your craft is to check out what your competition is doing. If you get to know what’s working for everyone else (or at least the success stories), you can avoid many pitfalls when it comes to your own company. So, when I set out to find out how…

  • SaaS Email Marketing Tactics: How 281 Companies Automatically Nurture Leads

    SaaS Email Marketing Tactics: How 281 Companies Automatically Nurture Leads

    The following is a guest post from Adam Henshall, content writer at Process Street. Email automation has become the standard approach for marketers all over the world. This summer we decided to ask how it is done best. There’s only so much you can learn from one person self-reporting their own successes, or only examining…

  • A Look at The SaaS Stack in Our Tech Startup

    A Look at The SaaS Stack in Our Tech Startup

    What keeps an innovative startup ticking over? At Process Street, we’re a huge fan of using the software other SaaS startups put out there in conjunction with the ever-dependable big names. Here are the 18 SaaS products we use at Process Street, and why we think they’re the best options out there. Analytics: Mixpanel, Google…

  • How to Integrate @Intercom Support Messages with #CRM

    I have been wanting to sync my support system Intercom with the CRM we use at Process Street – (which I have written about before). The reason for this is when we are looking at a customer in the CRM we want to be able to see not only the sales emails but all…

  • Start-up idea: Marketplace for mechanics to help buyers purchase used cars

    Start-up idea: Marketplace for mechanics to help buyers purchase used cars

    I am thinking about a marketplace that would help buyers who know nothing about cars evaluate if a second hand car is a good buy or not. You could create a profile and post the 3-4 cars you are considering. Post details of their make, model, price and pictures or a video of the car…

  • Vitoto Officially Shutting Down

    Vitoto Officially Shutting Down

    2012 – San Francisco… Vitoto was a failure. It feels good to say that. There has been an air of uncertainty around the state of the company for the last few weeks, its nice to make a decision. Firstly, I am proud of myself for taking the shot. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”—…

  • Ultimate Youtube Video Ranking Guide

    Ultimate Youtube Video Ranking Guide

    I’ve been using videos to market our startup Process Street for the last few months and have been getting some great results with video bringing in a steady flow of views, leads and customers. Now, you might already be aware that video is an important marketing tool in today’s online world — that’s why products like PowToon…

  • How to Make a Video for your Website on a Budget

    How to Make a Video for your Website on a Budget

    If you’re building a startup of any kind, chances are you’ll need an explainer video. Explainer videos are short 1-3 minute videos that help spread your message and teach people what your product and company is all about. A startup video can help explain difficult to understand concepts and, if you’re lucky, can go viral…

  • Start-Up Idea: TailSearch – Search for Retail Stores

    One liner:  TailSearch: Search for retail stores. User experience: iPad / Touchscreen TV positioned at front and around the store with a search bar / filters to filter down all items in the store. There is a real-time map of the store with all the items in the store, and as you filter down, they…

  • Best 5 Talks from #500Distro

    If you are interested in getting traffic for your startup, you should definitely watch the videos from the recent 500 Distro. 500 Distro is a conference where they gathered some of the greatest minds in customer acquisition, retention and growth hacking to do 20 min sprint presentations on a number of different topics. Below are…