99 Abstract Life Hacks – Make your Life Easier Today!

wet papertowel tip
ice cold water trick
picture fridge hack
comb nailholder lifehack
cupcakes icecreamcones tip
organize powercords trick
extension cords hack
recycled pencilholder lifehack
clipper tip
popsicle holder trick
iphone speaker hack
pringles container lifehack
ghettoaccessory silencer tip
headphone tip
crib clever trick
abort shutdown hack
books rollingsuitcase lifehack
remove strawberry stem tip
binder clips trick
cat boardgame box hack
direction pizzadeliveryplace lifehack
brownie mug tip
sponge icepack trick
blt sandwhich hack
clothespin lifehack
shoe cupholder tip
microwave corn trick
holder baseball hack
pencil sunglasses case lifehack
picture places traveling tip
outdoor dining kit trick
lent items friends hack
unpopped kernels lifehack
exit marker tip
icecoffee trick
magnet find nails hack
poolnoodle garagewall lifehack
paper organize parts tip
paint lock white trick
spring oldpen hack
water microwave pizza lifehack
spaghetti light candle tip
cd envelope trick
heating leftovers hack
unusual locking lifehack
perler beads tip
unrolling toiletpaper trick
squeeze ketchup bottle cleaner hack
keeping bag safe lifehack
wireholder tip
sealer trick
passcode hack
keyring zipper lifehack
filter unsubscribe tip
groceries trick
cellphone lantern hack
holes garbage can lifehack
powerplugs tip
coaster top drink trick
cardboard ziplock hack
sliver soap lifehack
tv charger tip
velcro strips trick
tape breadtab hack
tangled cords lifehack
emergency money tip
remotes trick
hold oreo fork hack
crunchy tacoshells lifehack
straw tip
dental floss trick
ketchup bottle hack
pants hanger lifehack
seatwarmer tip
sandwhich guide trick
wooden spoon hack
cd bagle tote lifehack
muffin condiments tip
doritos kindling trick
opening knots hack
stocking lifehack
vinegar bag tip
cordholder trick
soda pop tab hack
nailpolish lifehack
safer keeping tip
dustpan scoop trick
breadclips hack
toothpaste lifehack
can opener tip
hanging shoerack trick
fitted sheet hack
toilet paper rolls lifehack
scratched furniture tip
paint trick
staple remover hack
dustpan lifehack

2 responses to “99 Abstract Life Hacks – Make your Life Easier Today!”

  1. thanks for the post

    however….one of the tips mentioned is dangerous

    It says to keep a plastic water bottle in the freezer and then fill with water when you need cold water when going out

    never keep plastic in the freezer…..the freezing and thawing releases harmful chemicals from the plastic which is cancer causing

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